Server Install

In this section we descrive how to install the Deepserver on your machine.

In order to install the Deepserver in your machine, you must be running Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04.

Installation package composition

Aivero's Deepserver installation package is composed of different components that can be used to install or update different parts of your server:

  • aivero_installation-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz - which contains the basic installation and update scripts, used in both Airgapped and non-Airgapped installations


The packages below only apply to Airgapped installation, where internet connection is not possible

  • deepserver-images-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz - which updates the docker images of the Deepserver in airgapped installations
  • open-balena-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz - which contains updates for the Open-Balena instance that controls Deepcore devices connected to the Deepserver, in Airgapped systems
  • fleets-images-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz - which contains updates for the Deepcore devices installed through Open-Balena in Airgapped systems

Setting up installation directory

There are a few steps which must be performed in order to setup the installation environment, depending on your installation type and which components you wish to update.

First, start by extracting the aivero_installation-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz package. We suggest that you extract it to a new, empty folder. You can do this by running the following commands:

mkdir installation_dir
tar -xf aivero_installation-linux-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz -C installation_dir


If you're not running an Airgapped installation, skip the following steps and navigate to the next section

On first setup, you must also download the three component packages for Airgapped systems referenced above, and copy them into your installation_dir folder. If you are simply updating a machine that has had the Deepserver setup on it previously, you can choose which components you wish to update , by only copying the desired ones into the aforementioned folder.

cp (name-of-component)-x86_64-x.x.x.tar.gz

When done copying, you are ready to start your Deepserver installation or update!

Running the installer

In order to run the installation, open a terminal window in the previously setup installation_dir folder. We are interested in running the script. There are some execution settings, which can be set by using passing in flags to the script when invoking from the shell.

However, if the script is called without passing any flags, it will be executed in non-Airgapped mode, with a user interface to aid along with the installation:


If you do not wish to run the default installation, please check the flags sub-section down below. If you're simply running a default installation as described above, skip down to the Navigating the User Interface section.

Flags list

  • --airgapped -> Passing this flag sets the system into airgapped installation mode
  • --no-ui -> Passing this flag sets the installation to be purely terminal based
    • --domain -> This flag is mandatory if --no-ui is passed in. Sets the domain the server can be accessed on
  • --help -> Prints help regarding the available script flags
  • --verbose -> Explains in depth the functionality of the different installation packages

For example, this launch string would cause the installation to run in Airgapped mode, using the terminal mode, and with the domain set to aivero.lan:

/bin/bash --airgapped --no-ui --domain=aivero.lan

Navigating the User Interface

With that done, you must wait a moment while system updates and dependencies are installed. After some time, an install wizard will show up and welcome you to the installation process.

By pressing the start button, general information and warnings from the installation procedure will be shown to you.

After reading the shown paragraph, you will be navigated to the next page. Here you must introduce the local IP address of your computer and the domain where you wish to access the Deepserver from on your browser.

You will then be informed that the installation is about to begin.

The progress of the installation will be presented to you through the progress bar.

Finally, you will be shown the last page of the installation, where the wizard informs you of the success or failure of the installation.

Please reboot the machine after finishing the installation.

That's it! Your Deepserver can now be accessed after a few minutes on Firefox or Chrome, under the previously introduced domain. Happy recordings! 😄